Oxfordshire County Council

01/10/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/10/2025 09:29

County council responds to national proposals for future of local government

Oxfordshire County Council's cabinet yesterday agreed that a letter will be sent today to central government requesting that the county is fast-tracked for local government reorganisation while continuing to work with partners on a future Mayoral Strategic Authority. The letter has now been sent.

All district council and city council leaders spoke at the meeting and are committed to further discussions.

Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, said: "There is clear consensus among all Oxfordshire councils in wanting to move at pace towards devolution and we have communicated this ambition and commitment in our letter to government.

"By leveraging the investment and powers of a Mayoral Strategic Authority, we can accelerate the economic, social and cultural ambitions of our residents, businesses and institutions and enable Oxfordshire to cement its position as a world-class location for business, innovation and sustainable and inclusive growth.

"The government has been clear that it wishes to see unitary councils across England and move away from the two-tier system. That is why we are requesting for Oxfordshire to be placed on the fast track for local government reorganisation while we continue discussions with regional partners. This will give greater certainty to residents, our respective workforces and investors.

"It is very disappointing that Oxford City Council does not support this position and has chosen to issue its own letter to government, especially as other district councils have supported our approach. However, we are committed to continuing to work closely with all our partners to identify the best approach to unitarisation for the best interests of all our residents across the county."

Further meetings are scheduled between all councils to progress this issue.