01/14/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/13/2025 20:47
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is accepting nominations for the 2025 Geospatial Intelligence Hall of Fame until March 10, 2025.
The GEOINT Hall of Fame recognizes U.S. persons and/or allied partners who have made exceptionally significant and transformative contributions to NGA, one of the NGA predecessor organizations or the GEOINT discipline.
Current federal employees or individuals in a related paid activity are not eligible to receive the Hall of Fame award. U.S. citizens must have concluded their federal service or related paid activity for at least five years before the board considers their nomination to the Hall of Fame. If an individual/organization believes that a current contractor employee at NGA meets the selection criteria below, then the nomination must be coordinated with the appropriate contracting officer's representative, the contracting officer, and the NGA Office of General Counsel via [email protected]. Nominations must clearly state supporting justification for recognition in the application and contractor nominations must not adversely impact contract administration.
Selection Criteria
The contributions of those nominated should be of exceptional merit and clearly recognizable as having changed the direction and scope of GEOINT or increased the value of the discipline. The contributions must be of significant impact to national decision makers, military commanders, other NGA customers, allied partners, or NGA (or one of its predecessor organizations). To be effectively measurable, submissions must clearly identify the nominee's impact and measurable criteria. Nominees must meet at least one of the following selection criteria to be eligible:
Please note the panel scores each of the above categories independently on a scale of one to five to aggregate a final score. Detailed descriptions of each of the criteria maximizes the likelihood of a higher final score.
Nomination Process
Any current or former Department of Defense or intelligence community employee, member of the National System for Geospatial Intelligence, or member of the Allied System for GEOINT may submit a Hall of Fame nomination. The Hall of Fame selection board will consider all nominations meeting the eligibility criteria.
The GEOINT Hall of Fame selection board will review nomination packages, evaluate the merits of each package via open discussion and submit a slate of suggested nominees to the NGA Director. The Director will render a final decision and will make an official selection(s) announcement. Officials will announce the induction ceremony date soon.
Please see the attachment for full nomination package instructions. For questions regarding the Hall of Fame, contact [email protected].