
Statistical Office of The Republic of Slovenia

01/25/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/25/2023 03:31

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, December 2022

Tourist arrivals and overnight stays, December 2022

The festive month attracted the most tourists from Italy

Accommodation establishments recorded about 298,000 tourist arrivals and over 735,000 overnight stays in the last month of 2022. As regards arrivals, December 2022 was similar to December 2021, but there were almost 4% fewer overnight stays. Foreign tourists generated 59% of all overnight stays.

  • 25 January 2023 at 10:30
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  • provisional data
  • Teja Zupančič, Barbara Mlakar
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  • Data inquiry
Twice as many foreign tourists as a year ago

Foreign tourists generated 184,000 arrivals and 434,000 overnight stays, 98% more than a year ago. The largest number of foreign tourist overnight stays was recorded in municipality Ljubljana, which was also the municipality with the largest number of tourist overnight stays overall.

Domestic tourists generated 41% of all overnight stays, the most in municipality Kranjska Gora. Tourist accommodation establishments in Slovenia recorded 114,000 of their arrivals and more than 301,000 of their overnight stays, which is 45% fewer than in December last year, but 7% more than in December 2019.

The most foreign tourists from Italy

Tourists from Italy generated the largest share of foreign overnight stays (110,400 or 25% of all foreign overnight stays). They were followed by tourists from Croatia (12%), Austria (11%), Germany (6%) and Serbia (5%).

The largest share of tourist overnight stays in health (spa) resorts

As regards the types of municipalities, the largest share of tourist overnight stays was recorded in health (spa) resorts (30%), the most in municipality Brežice. They were followed by mountain resorts (23%), Ljubljana (19%) and seaside resorts (11%).

More than a half of all overnight stays in hotels

Tourists generated the largest number of overnight stays in hotels (approximately 416,600 or 57% of all overnight stays), followed by private accommodations, rented rooms and dwellings (19%).

Almost 15.6 million tourist overnight stays in 2022

In 2022, Slovenia was visited by around 5.9 million tourists, who generated almost 15.6 million overnight stays, which is 4.3 million more than in the previous year.

Domestic tourists generated 5.5 million overnight stays or 35% of all overnight stays, while foreign tourists generated 10.1 million or 65% of all. The largest share of overnight stays among foreign tourists in 2022 was generated by tourist from Germany (18%), followed by tourist from Italy, Austria and the Netherlands.

In 2022, the most overnight stays were recorded in municipality Ljubljana, almost 2 million, followed by Piran, Bled and Kranjska Gora. The capital was also the most visited by foreign tourists, while domestic tourists spent the most nights in Piran.

Tables with the latest data are available in the SiStat Database.
Tourist overnight stays, Slovenia1)
1) Data for December 2022 are provisional.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by key markets from which the tourists come, Slovenia1)
Tourist arrivals Overnight stays
XII 2022 I-XII 2022 XII 2022
XII 2021
I-XII 2022
I-XII 2021
XII 2022 I-XII 2022 XII 2022
XII 2021
I-XII 2022
I-XII 2021
number number index index number number index index
Total 297,734 5,868,108 100.9 146.6 735,046 15,585,857 95.9 138.5
Domestic 113,996 1,932,500 53.5 89.0 301,404 5,509,126 55.1 85.3
Foreign 183,738 3,935,608 223.4 214.8 433,642 10,076,731 197.6 210.2
from Italy 55,993 433,988 429.2 268.2 110,391 916,262 440.6 259.1
from Croatia 23,484 213,814 202.7 338.6 49,916 489,990 181.0 296.8
from Austria 22,633 362,566 275.1 211.7 46,674 885,286 275.0 204.2
from Germany 8,763 681,284 195.3 164.5 25,983 1,797,858 199.4 167.9
from Serbia 8,583 118,117 169.9 266.1 23,621 326,655 142.1 214.8
1) Data for December 2022 are provisional.
Tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist municipalities and by tourist accommodation establishments, Slovenia1)
Tourist arrivals Overnight stays
XII 2022 I-XII 2022 XII 2022
XII 2021
I-XII 2022
I-XII 2021
XII 2022 I-XII 2022 XII 2022
XII 2021
I-XII 2022
I-XII 2021
number number index index number number index index
Total 297,734 5,868,108 100.9 146.6 735,046 15,585,857 95.9 138.5
Types of tourist municipalities
health (spa) resorts 71,848 944,631 94.1 127.2 221,935 3,160,315 97.4 123.7
mountain resorts 70,263 1,864,186 73.6 144.8 168,404 4,856,745 72.5 145.2
seaside resorts 29,129 959,715 81.2 123.0 80,499 3,081,764 81.3 115.4
Ljubljana, the capital 71,745 922,652 194.4 222.2 139,043 1,973,484 177.9 227.8
urban municipalities 26,151 437,258 129.3 175.3 68,026 972,163 122.0 166.1
other municipalities 28,598 739,666 94.4 139.8 57,139 1,541,386 78.2 125.3
Tourist accomm. establishments
hotels 179,793 2,588,613 109.2 155.8 416,568 6,562,783 102.7 145.0
private accommodations - rented rooms, dwellings 54,679 1,204,194 79.9 136.6 139,151 3,513,675 77.4 131.0
camping sites 10,685 821,964 108.6 136.5 28,219 2,353,004 112.7 132.5
temporary accommodation establishments and marinas 1,530 72,660 144.5 168.4 27,474 347,649 132.4 156.6
apartment settlements 9,322 113,266 103.9 130.1 25,711 389,368 99.4 128.2
1) Data for December 2022 are provisional.
Final data on tourist arrivals and overnight stays for December 2022 will be published on 24. February 2023 in the SiStat Database.

Data are not seasonally adjusted.

From January 2022 on, an updated classification of types of tourist municipalities is being used. The municipality of Krško is now classified under urban municipalities (and no longer under other municipalities).

Additional explanations are available in the methodological explanations.
When making use of the data and information of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, always add: "Source: SURS". More: Copyright.