Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

01/14/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2025 14:47

CJCC Opens Nominations for 2025 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Awards

In commemoration of National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW), CJCC will present four special awards to individuals and organizations who have made great contributions to the advancement and improvement of victim services in Georgia.

Award winners will be honored at special ceremonies during National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 6-12, 2025. These awards include The Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Survivors Award, The Georgia Corporate Leadership Award, The Georgia Legislator/Government Official of the Year Award, and The Georgia Crime Victim Service Collaborative and Innovative Project Award.

Each award category reflects this year's NCVRW theme, "How would you help? Options, services, and hope for crime survivors", which is a call-to-action for us all to create safe environments for crime victims to share what happened to them. By doing so, we're able to offer support, options for life-saving services, and, most importantly, hope.

Details and Application for Each Award:

  • Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Survivors Award: The Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Survivors Award recognizes survivors who have utilized the benefits of the Victims Compensation Program and have exhibited exceptional perseverance and resiliency in overcoming challenges associated with their victimization. Download Application
  • Georgia Corporate Leadership Award: The Corporate Leadership Award recognizes a business, organization, or individual from a discipline outside of the victim assistance field for their dedication to supporting crime victims and advancing the victim services community. These allied professionals are committed to innovative approaches to ending violence and supporting those impacted by it. Download Application
  • Georgia Legislator/Government Official of the Year Award: The Georgia Legislator/Government Official of the Year Award recognizes a legislator or government official who has made outstanding contributions to the victim rights movement through promoting legislation and policy that furthers rights and services to victims and survivors. Download Application
  • Georgia Crime Victim Service Collaborative and Innovative Project Award: The Georgia Crime Victim Service Collaborative and Innovative Project Award recognizes organizations and/or individuals for their ongoing commitment to promoting a comprehensive, coordinated, victim-centered, and unified community response and celebrating the extraordinary contributions to the lives of victims and survivors. Download Application

For consideration, nominations must be submitted by 5:00 PM February 14, 2025.

Please refer your questions to:
Dannielle Lewis - Communications Director
[email protected]