Jodey Arrington

01/16/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/16/2025 12:05

Arrington, Cruz Fight to Reverse Biden’s Offshore Drilling Ban

Washington, D.C. - Today, House Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced legislation to reverse President Biden's ban on offshore oil and gas drilling.

"In the final hours of his presidency, President Biden finished off four years of self-inflicted disasters by continuing his all out assault on domestic energy production," said Chairman Arrington. "Banning oil and gas production on millions of acres of offshore waters takes direct aim at American energy producers, threatening national security, and empowering adversaries like Russia, all just to take one last bow for the woke and climate obsessed mob. Senator Cruz and I are fighting to repeal this dangerous policy, unleash American energy, and ensure a clear path for President Trump's America First agenda on day one."

"President Biden's ban on new offshore oil and gas drilling is an attack on American energy independence, jobs, and national security," said Senator Cruz. "His action is a gift to our adversaries and once again confirms that this President prioritizes green special interest over the livelihood of American energy workers. Today, I am introducing legislation to overturn this executive order. Under President Trump, we achieved energy dominance and I am committed to leading the fight to restore it and protect Texas jobs."

"Our nation's vast offshore resources are a critical source of affordable energy, government revenue and stability around the world," said Holly Hopkins, American Petroleum Institute VP of Upstream Policy. "We welcome the efforts of Sen. Cruz along with those of Rep. Arrington to reverse the Biden administration's disastrous 11th hour decision to ban new oil and natural gas activity across millions of acres of federal waters."

"NOIA applauds Senator Cruz and Congressman Arrington for their efforts to repeal the Biden Administration's politically driven offshore oil and gas ban," said Erik Milito, President of the National Ocean Industries Association. "By lifting these restrictions, Congress restores the nation's ability to leverage its offshore energy resources, strengthening the economy and protecting our national security. [The bill] will drive confidence in U.S. investment and energy policy, rather than our adversaries', ensure adaptability to geopolitical changes, and protect American interests. This bill is a prime example of the long-term, strategic approach to energy policy the U.S. needs."

"We applaud Chairman Cruz and Representative Arrington's leadership introducing the Overturn Biden's Offshore Energy Ban Act to reverse a short-sighted, political, and harmful decision by the outgoing Administration to ban vast areas of the Outer Continental Shelf from future exploration, undermining America's ability to meet its future energy needs," said Dustin Van Liew, EnerGeo Vice President of Global Policy & Government Affairs. "It is essential to recognize that increased exploration of natural gas and petroleum is required to maintain a stable and balanced energy mix for the country. The Gulf of Mexico, in particular, plays a crucial role in America's energy production and is a critical source of supply for global allies, and restricting access to these resources could harm the nation's energy security and economic stability. Continued exploration and innovation are crucial for addressing both environmental and energy demands in a way that ensures long-term sustainability and balance."

"Producing all our nation's vast natural resources creates millions of good-paying USA jobs and lowers gas, grocery, and utility costs for every American," said Matt Coday, President and Founder of Oil & Gas Workers Association. "Joe Biden's ban on Outer Continental Shelf drilling hurts our jobs, hurts every American, and funds terrorists. USA oil and natural gas exports help free our friends and allies around the world from dependence on Russia, China, and Iran. We are grateful Senator Cruz and Representative Arrington are leading the fight to overturn the Biden ban and ensure we achieve American energy dominance under President Trump."


  • On January 6, 2025, President Biden issued two Presidential proclamations making 625 million acres of federal offshore waters ineligible for oil and natural gas drilling.
  • This lame duck ban covers the entire East Coast, the eastern part of the Gulf of Mexico, the entire contiguous West Coast, and several parts of Alaska, all while significantly restricting America's energy supply potential at a time of skyrocketing demand.
  • This bill introduced by Chairman Arrington, in coordination with Senator Cruz in the Senate, would overturn this burdensome ban.
