Ohio Department of Transportation

12/02/2024 | News release | Archived content

Centerline rumble stripes prove effective

State Route 117 crash history, Allen and Logan counties

State Route 117 in Allen County heading southeast from Lima to Logan County is a main thoroughfare to Columbus, and a main route to several industrial employers in Marysville. It carries a mix of vehicular and truck traffic, and its fair share of impatient drivers.

"This is a route where people want to pass, but few opportunities exist to do so safely," said Chris Hughes, ODOT District 1 deputy director.

Between the village of Huntsville in Logan County, and the city of Lima, eight fatal crashes coded as head-on or having occurred while passing were recorded in the years 2018-2019.

To curb the trend, ODOT installed centerline rumble stripes on this segment in 2020. Rumble stripes are essentially a strip of grooved pavement designed to give a driver an audible signal or rumble when their tires hit the strip as they cross the centerline, or wander off the side of the road.

After installation, no fatalities occurred in 2020-2022. One occurred in 2023.

Hughes said rumble stripes are placed either on the centerline, the edge line, or both depending on the existing pavement width. They can be added as part of a highway paving project, or to existing pavement. "Each location is evaluated individually. If a segment of roadway fits the given criteria and we feel they will improve safety, we will add rumble stripes where we can," he said.