Oracle Corporation

02/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Oracle Academy and Oracle Women’s Leadership partner to organize ...

Every January 24, the world celebrates the International Day of Education, highlighting the fundamental role of education in building sustainable development and fostering global peace. For the 2024 commemoration, Oracle Academy and Oracle Women's Leadership (OWL) teamed up to make a meaningful impact by partnering with the PEA Foundation, Nigeriato host the Oracle4Girls initiative. The event was aimed at making science and technology more appealing to young girls and continue the mission to increase female representation in STEM careers.

The workshop, held at the Oracle Lagos office, kicked off with enthusiasm and anticipation as 30 girls aged 9-12 years arrived at the office, eager to embark on their learning journey. Guided by experienced instructors and volunteers, the girls delved into hands-on activities and interactive sessions designed to demystify the world of programming using the Oracle Academy Getting Started with Java Using Aliceworkshop. Through engaging exercises and real-life examples, they gained a deeper understanding of key programming concepts and developed problem-solving skills essential for success in STEM fields.

One of the highlights of the day for the girls was the introduction to Alice software, a beginner-friendly programming platform that allows users to create animations and interactive stories. The girls embraced this innovative tool with enthusiasm, unleashing their creativity and imagination as they brought their digital creations to life. From animated characters to interactive games, the 10 groups created different 3D stories and showcased their projects.

As the day ended, the girls left inspired and empowered, equipped with newfound skills and a renewed sense of confidence in their ability to excel in STEM fields. The workshop underscored the shared commitment of Oracle Academy and Oracle Women's Leadership through the Oracle4Girls initiative to increase female representation in STEM careers and to provide equal access to quality technology education for all.