Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

11/24/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/25/2022 07:06

Defence Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos attends the inauguration ceremony of the “House of General Napoleon Zervas” as a Department of the War Museum

Home >Latest News> Defence Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos attends the inauguration ceremony of the "House of General Napoleon Zervas" as a Department of the War Museum

Defence Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos attends the inauguration ceremony of the "House of General Napoleon Zervas" as a Department of the War Museum

November 24, 2022


On Thursday, 24 November 2022, the Minister of National Defence Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulosattended the inauguration ceremony of the house of General Napoleon Zervas at Metaxourgeio, as a Department of the War Museum.

The event was attended by HNDGS/Chief General Konstantinos Floros, the Secretary General of the Ministry of National Defence Mr. Antonios Oikonomou, Chief/HAGS Lieutenant General Charalambos Lalousis, Chief/HNGS Vice Admiral Stylianos Petrakis HN, and Chief of Staff/Air Support Command Major General Konstantinos Kleniatis, representing the Chief/HAFGS.

The MP of ND South Sector Mr. Vasilios Spanakis, the Mayor of Athens Mr. Kostas Bakogiannis, the daughters of the hero General Evanthia and Vassiliki Zerva, the President of the War Museum Mr. Anastasios Liaskos, the donator of the project Mr. Athanasios Martinos, representing the "AIGEAS Non-Profit Company of Cultural and Public Benefit Project", representatives of National Resistance organisations and hundreds of civilians also attended the event.

In his address, the Minister of National Defence pointed out the following:

"Ladies and gentlemen,

I wish to declare the joy and honour I feel, addressing the inauguration ceremony of the department of the War Museum of Athens "House of Napoleon Zervas".

The execution, today, here, of the relative Presidential Decree signed in 2008 by the ever memorable President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias, at the historic site of Napoleon Zervas house, becomes effective with the opening of the house as a department of the War Museum.

It is a great collective success, in which, of course, many have contributed:

First and most of all, the family of General Zervas, thanks to which the house as well as the relative archives were made available to the War Museum.

The "AIGEAS'' Non Profit Company of Cultural and Public BenefitProject, which realises that its donation has been materialised. Congratulations of course to Mr. Athanasios Martinos for another great gesture; one among many.

Of course the personnel of the War Museum, who worked methodically for this purpose, under the coordination of the President of the Executive Board of the War Museum Mr. Liaskos, who himself has done a great job along with his team, the other members of the Executive Board and their associates; they absolutely deserve the credit.

On behalf of the Ministry of National Defence, I would really like to thank you all for the impressive outcome that you achieved, which adds another important element at the cultural heritage and is about to get available to the public, the researchers and mostly the Greek people.

It is an impressive outcome, considering and comparing the condition of the house some years ago with what we see today. Fourteen years later, Zervas house opens as a museum, with the relics and the archives that the institute possessed, which narrate the history of Zervas and the National Democratic Hellenic Union (EDES), 'Gorgopotamos operation' being the culmination act of National Resistance, 80 years later, where the General himself participated and had the main role with his forces, proving that when Greeks are united make miracles and write glorious pages.

When national interest calls for it, then all separating lines must be put aside, and when we project our good self collectively, then we manage our great victories. On the contrary, when we project our bad self, as it actually happened in the years that followed, then I would say that we count national disasters.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let the restored house of Napoleon Zervas, and all the material used and projected today by the War Museum, be another element of remembrance and symbolism.

Remembrance, first of all, because Napoleon Zervas was indeed an important member of National Resistance, through his action and successes in the war against the conquerors. Symbolism, as well, on one hand because today a part of the historic legacy is attributed to the protagonist - a long-due part, and on the other hand because the historic narration in this house can and must fill the gaps of separating lines, passion and fanaticism, that Greece paid very severely in the past. It can fill the gaps when national interest is projected, when unity prevails and there is also focus on the National goal without fear or favour.

Concluding, I would like to warmly thank the family of General Zervas and express our gratitude on behalf of the State, to "AIGEAS" Non Profit Company of Cultural and Public BenefitProject, to Mr. Athanasios and Ms. Marina Martinou of course, thanks to the donation of whom we enjoy today this impressive outcome. I would like to thank you and to assure you that your contribution is everlasting legacy for all of us and the future generations as well.

Something else, ladies and gentlemen, to conclude: if we are going to face complicated and complex challenges in the future, if we are going to leave everything behind us and mostly everything that has hurt us and divided us, then we must remember everything. We must remember everything and everyone.

This is a matter of historic truth, historic accuracy and justice to Captain Napoleon Zervas.

Thank you".