Mostostal Warszawa SA

08/08/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/08/2023 02:55

News from construction sites: progress of works at the Pomeranian Dukes' Castle in Szczecin

- Behind us is the demanding stage of a full reconnaissance of the technical condition of the slopes surrounding the castle and the underground. Research work on the slopes has already been completed. The ongoing work is being consulted with, among others, scientists from the Institute of Building Technology - said Marcin Szymborski, Director of the Contracts Group at Mostostal Warszawa. - At the moment, the most advanced work is being carried out on the southern terrace of the facility. Securing the northern slope will begin soon.

According to experts, the embankment rubble that was used during the post-war reconstruction of the castle to stabilise the castle hill, although it survived for nearly half a century, was not the best solution. Numerous air voids and the loosening of the ground, became a threat not only to the body of the castle itself, but also to the Podzamcze buildings adjacent to the eastern slope. It was therefore necessary to reinforce the terraces and slopes.

Work is progressing on the modernization of the terraces and the reconstruction of the northern wing of the Pomeranian Dukes' Castle in Szczecin, one of the most important monuments of Western Pomerania.

On the south terrace, the structures are ready, and the furthest progress is being made on the external networks, including sanitation and electricity.

On the northern terrace, work is being carried out on the technical infrastructure, including installation networks. In the near future, structural reinforcement and tunnel protection work will begin, as well as work to protect and rebuild the northern slope in accordance with the recommendations of experts.

During the works on the north terrace, brick relics of earlier buildings from the mid-19th century were found. These included the remains of the foundations of the north-east tower and the staircase. These relics, along with fragments of the medieval defensive wall on this terrace, have already been conserved and protected from deterioration. A dilatation line was also found in the foundation section of the east wing, indicating a later addition of the north wing to the east wing.

All finds are carefully inventoried. Measurement and photographic documentation is carried out, as well as a historical analysis of the pieces.