01/13/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2025 07:05
Deputy Minister of National Defence, Giannis Kefalogiannis, made an address, at the opening of the works of the Event of the "New York College" Educational Group, with the topic "The Eastern Mediterranean after Trump's Election".
Opening the event, Mr Kefalogiannis mentioned energy security, Greek - Turkish relations, and our country's defence strategy, underlining Greece's need to remain, and become prominent as a reliable pillar of security and stability in the broader region.
In the event's framework, the central speakers were: Professor of International Law and Foreign Policy at Panteion University, MP for Athens A Sector for Nea Dimokratia, Mr. Angelos Syrigos, Professor of International Politics at Panteion University, Director of the "Κωνσταντίνος Γ. Καραμανλής" Foundation, and former Minister of Education and Religious Affairs Mr. Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos, Chairman of the Institute of International Relations, Professor of Strategy at the Department of International and European Studies at the University of Piraeus., Mr. Athanasios Platias, the Secretary General of the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, Founder and CEO, Foresight, Mr. Alexandros Kostopoulos, and the Honorary Commander of Air Training Command Lieutenant General (HAF) Evangelos Georgousis (ret.).
Addresses were also made by MP for Serres for Nea Dimokratia, Mr Tasos Chatzivasileiou, Sector Chief for National Defence For PASOK-KINAL, Mr. Michalis Katrinis, head of the Steering Committee of Foreign Affairs Institute, Mr. Loukas Katsonis. The discussion was moderated by journalist Mr. Manolis Kostidis, while Mr. Michalis Ignatioumade interventions.
In his address, the Deputy Minister of National Defence stated, among others:
"I welcome you to this event, which aims to offer important and interesting opinions, concerning the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, following the American elections and the election of the new President Donald Trump. At this point, I would like to congratulate the historical Greek college, "New York College", for the excellent organisation of this event, which, in partnership with state universities of Europe and the US, has shaped higher education in Greece, the Balkans and Central Europe, leaving an indelible marks behind it in the field of education. The effort being made, on the part of this teaching institution, to bring excellent academics and professionals into contact, and also create a dialogue on a region with vital strategic importance, is excellent and praiseworthy. These initiatives are important, not only for the scientific community, but also for broader society, since they promote knowledge and understanding of the geopolitical situation of our broader region. Our region is characterised by challenges, but also immense opportunities.
The escalation of conflicts in the Middle East, and the ongoing war of Russia in Ukraine underline the constant dangers for energy security facing the planet. After two very difficult years, 2024 has been a year of stabilisation for the European Union's energy system. Its most important achievement, in the past two years, has been the drastic reduction in the demand for natural gas by 18%, and the reduction in the demand for Russian natural gas, from 45% to 15%.
Liquefied Natural Gas continues to play a crucial role in safeguarding energy security in the broader region of South-eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. One of the most important landmarks concerning Greece, with an added geopolitical meaning, was the operation of the LNG import terminal, and the Storage Regasification Unit of Alexandroupoli, in October 2024. The dependence of the EU on USA LNG has increased considerably in the last years, especially after the war in Ukraine, and the EU decision for a voluntary restriction of Russian natural gas imports via pipelines, in the framework of the policy of independence from them, until the year 2027.
President Biden's administration recently "froze" the decisions on importing LNG temporarily, raising questions concerning its availability from the United States in the near future. However, Donald Trump's return to the White House is estimated to change the thrust of US energy policies towards Europe, with a greater emphasis on fossil fuels. A fact, which will give a greater impetus to the domestic production of shale oil and natural gas, as well as the exports of LNG. European analysts estimate that the new US Administration will probably use the LNG supplies to as a lever of pressure towards Europe. It is estimated that it will try to expand LNG facilities in the USA, and raise exports to the EU, creating an even greater danger of dependence, since Europe is distancing herself from Russian gas by schedule. This would threaten the energy security of the EU, creating a new dependence on a single supplier. For this reason, the Union is trying to progressively eliminate its considerable dependence on natural gas, in order to become more resilient against geoeconomic threats, and to price instability.
Its target is for nearly half its' economic activity to be dependent on "green" electric energy, until 2040. Concerning Greece, the new terminal station in Alexandroupoli, combined with the Revythousa LNG terminal, and the National Natural Gas Transmission System investments, for the raising the export dynamics of the Greek network, in conjunction and complementarity with the monumental works of the TAP and IGB pipelines, further reinforce energy infrastructure, and the connectivity of the networks in the extended region, to the benefit of energy security. Parallel, in the Eastern Mediterranean region, Greece is developing emblematic projects of "green" electronic connectivity with strategic partners in the region, such as Egypt, Cyprus, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. An indicative example is the Electric Energy Interconnector GREGY, between Greece and Egypt, which aims for the Electrical Interconnection of the Electrical Energy Systems of Greece and Egypt, via two twin underwater cables, of high voltage, direct current connectivity, 954 km. long, from the Wadi El Natroon in Egypt, to Attica.
Concerning Greek - Turkish relations, an effort for the maintenance of a calm atmosphere, has been underway since March 2023. On the one hand, we aim for disagreements to not become crises, and on the other, we seek, where possible, to pursue cooperation. Ever since, many meetings have been held, at multiple levels, even between the two leaders, within and without the framework of the roadmap, which includes political dialogue, Confidence Building Measures and the Positive Agenda. The 5th High Level Cooperation Council, in December 2023, and the Prime Minister's visit to Ankara in May 2024 are milestones. A concrete example of constructive cooperation was the Greek - Turkish candidacy for senior- position officials in the OSCE. The Greek - Turkish candidacy was approved on 6 December 2024, by the Ministers Conference of the OSCE in Valletta, for the positions of Secretary General, and head of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organisation. Our country has also maintained a constructive role in the EU, supporting the restart of the European - Turkish relations, in an analogical, progressive, and reversible manner.
The change in the Turkish attitude towards Greece, is estimated to be a part of a broader Turkish effort to reverse the regional isolation of Turkey, to improve relations with neighbouring states, and the West. This follows the realisation of the limits of their former policy, which was characterised by military interventions, balancing between the West and Russia, pursuing strategic autonomy, and came at a steep price, such as being left out of the American F-35 fighter aircraft program, and, until recently, the procurement of F-16 fighters. The whole effort towards maintaining a positive climate has been overshadowed by Turkish rhetoric, which at times reproduces standard Turkish claims, albeit without the hostility of the recent past. The same thrust is made by actions such as the infrequent inclusions of the terms "Blue Homeland" and "Sky Homeland" in school textbooks, and the conversion (6.5.2024) of the Chora Monastery into a mosque (Kariye Camii), for which the Greek side has expressed great displeasure at the highest level. Representations have also been made to UNESCO.
During the most recent visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister to Athens (8.11.2024) it was yet again made obvious that the two positions are divergent, with Greece willing to resolve the single issue of contention (resolution of the continental shelf/ Exclusive Economic Zone) while Turkey attempted to widen the agenda. Despite the differing opinions on the matter, the two Ministers reassured as to their willingness to maintain a healthy atmosphere and cooperation, where this is expedient, as can be seen in the OSCE candidacy.
Beyond the aforementioned, however, the political, social, military, and economical situation in the broader region, requires vigilance. Numerous foci of instability are located in our neighbourhood, a fact which underlines the need for Greece to remain, and become, a pillar of security and stability. The international environment has become particularly complicated, competitive, and variable. It is obvious that the challenges of modern times are not be limited to military containment of military actions and threats on the field. Their address extends to the preventative containment of a broader spectrum of challenges, such as hybrid threats, cyberattacks, and the instrumentalisation of migratory flows. The above, combined with the rapid technological developments, current fiscal conditions, and the armed conflicts of the past years, underline, more than ever, the need for the modernisation of our Armed Forces, through a complete strategy, which goes under the name "2030 Agenda". The adaptation of the Armed Forces to demographic data is mandatory. Their evolution, through the adoption of innovative solutions, such as autonomous weapons systems, the use of Space, and the broad exploitation of the possibilities offered by Artificial Intelligence are important steps in the direction of adapting to this new reality. The creation of a defence innovation ecosystem is a cornerstone in the materialisation of the reformation program of the Ministry of National Defence, since the Hellenic Armed Forces must join their needs to the development of the Domestic Defence Industry. However, beyond the structural reformations of the Armed Forces in crucial operational sectors, our Country has put to the forth, the need of a steady focus on International Law, the International Law of the Sea, and to the absolute respect of independence and territorial integrity of all states as a non-negotiable factor.
Furthermore, it steadfastly showcases its stabilising role in the broader region to International Organisations, and actively seeks to participate in them. From this point of view, developing cooperation and common perceptions with countries that embrace our values is a strategic choice for our Country.
An important factor towards this direction is our Defensive Diplomacy, which seeks to reinforce and develop strategic partnerships in the sector of defence, with states with which we share our devotion to National Independence, Sovereignty, and International Law. With these thoughts, and the certainty, that the addresses of the distinguished speakers, and the following discussions will provide fertile discussions, I declare the opening of the event".