Bougainville Copper Limited

03/02/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/02/2025 02:41


The redevelopment of the Panguna mine provides a unique opportunity to catapult Bougainville's economy forward in a way that no other project can. This was a key message delivered by BCL's new CEO Johnny Auna to the ABG's Nation Building Framework Workshop in Buka last Tuesday (28 January).

The workshop, attended by ABG President Ishmael Toroama, as well as members of the Bougainville Executive Council, departmental heads and others, provided an opportunity for Mr Auna to provide an update and economic overview on the landmark project that BCL is advancing through the exploration and feasibility stages.

The Panguna mine is expected to have a productive life in excess of 20 years and will likely generate revenue in the vicinity of K120 billion. Mr Auna told how the project would deliver substantial new benefits and investment to the Bougainville region both directly and indirectly under a similar operating model to other successful mining projects in PNG and abroad.

The project would deliver direct benefits to landowners, the ABG, investors and shareholders alike as well as support new investments in infrastructure, such as roads, education, health and business development that would benefit the people of Bougainville more broadly. Additionally, it will also be a vital source of employment and training for local people.

Mr Auna, who was supported at the forum by BCL chairman, Sir Melchior Togolo, Corporate Adviser Derrick Kelly and other members of BCL's Bougainville team said it provided an opportunity for members of the ABG team, including the President himself, to ask questions about the project.

"Overall, the feedback was very positive, and we are appreciative of the support that the ABG and our other stakeholders are providing to us in moving this critical project forward," Mr Auna said.

BCL is now in the process of exploring opportunities for mining and investment partnerships in the project and is advancing work under its five-year exploration licence, which will include pre-feasibility and feasibility studies. Mr Auna said the signing of a Landowner Access and Compensation Agreement with project area landowners last November was also significant project milestone.

"This project can only succeed with unity and in a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect and these are things that BCL is fully committed to as we intensify our work," he said.

