Province of Alberta

01/12/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/12/2025 14:35

Premier Danielle Smith: Statement following trip to Mar a Lago

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"Over the last 24 hours I had the opportunity to meet incoming U.S. President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago last night and at his golf club this morning.

"We had a friendly and constructive conversation during which I emphasized the mutual importance of the U.S. - Canada energy relationship, and specifically how hundreds of thousands of American jobs are supported by energy exports from Alberta.

"I was also able to have similar discussions with several key allies of the incoming administration and was encouraged to hear their support for a strong energy and security relationship with Canada.

"On behalf of Albertans, I will continue to engage in constructive dialogue and diplomacy with the incoming administration and elected federal and state officials from both parties and will do all I can to further Alberta's and Canada's interests.

"The United States and Canada are both proud and independent nations with one of the most important security alliances on earth and the largest economic partnership in history. We need to preserve our independence while we grow this critical partnership for the benefit of Canadians and Americans for generations to come."