01/09/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/09/2025 08:15
09 January 2025 14:01
With a thaw forecast for tomorrow, NI Water is calling on farmers to help check water supplies for leaks and bursts this weekend.
NI Water is asking farmers to inspect all drinking troughs, sheds, yards, taps and outhouses which have a water supply. They should also check water meters for any high flows which will usually indicate that there is a leak or burst within the property. NI Water's advice is to immediately turn off any leaking supplies to avoid an excessive water bill.
Brian McCalmont, Head of Water with NI Water, said: "With many animals being housed at this time of year, bursts on drinking troughs in fields can be running at full flow undetected. This has the potential to drain thousands of litres out of the distribution network every hour. We are asking farmers to carry out a quick inspection of any water supplies you have on your farm for leaks or bursts. If there are no stock out in your fields, please turn off the water supply to your drinkers. Like any business, farmers won't want to face a hefty water bill for a burst pipe when the next meter reading cycle takes place."
Advice for farmers:
Media enquiries to the NI Water Press Office via email to [email protected]
Notes to editors
NI Water provides water and wastewater services for customers in Northern Ireland. You can get further information on how to check the age of your water supply pipes and find out more about lead pipes at www.niwater.com/lead-pipes. Our Customer Care Register also offers a range of free additional services if you are an older consumer, have a serious medical condition or need extra help for any other reason. To find out more about joining our Customer Care Register and the extra free services you or anyone in your household would like to receive please visit www.niwater.com/customer-care-register/