ANS - American Nuclear Society

05/22/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/22/2023 14:19

DOE-EM outlines its cleanup goals for the coming decade

The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management has released its Strategic Vision 2023-2033, a blueprint of the office's anticipated cleanup achievements over the next decade. DOE-EM said the strategic vision is focused on the priorities of addressing radioactive liquid tank waste, demolishing contaminated buildings, remediating contaminated soil and groundwater, and safely managing and disposing of waste.

"The Strategic Vision 2023-2033 is intended to help us gaze further out to a place we want to be in the future," DOE-EM senior advisor William "Ike" White said. "It sets EM on a course that will span a decade and inspire us all to achieve EM's vital nuclear cleanup mission."

Background: This is DOE-EM's fourth update to its 10-year strategic vision document and comes as the office continues to pivot from large-scale cleanup projects to preparing sites for community reuse and reindustrialization. According to DOE-EM, this current update was developed through outreach and with feedback from regulators, tribal nations, DOE-EM advisory boards, local communities, and other partners.

The office is targeting four of its sites for completion of legacy cleanup activities in the coming decade: the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project in Utah; the EM-Nevada mission at the Nevada National Security Site; the Sandia National Laboratories site in New Mexico; and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory site in California.

With the announcement last year that it had completed cleanup work at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, DOE-EM currently has 15 active sites where cleanup work is ongoing.

The goals: The following points are included in DOE-EM's vision for its cleanup sites over the next decade:

  • Treating and stabilizing radioactive tank waste at the Hanford Site through vitrification through the Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste system, ramping up the site's high-level tank waste capabilities, completing significant risk-reduction activities such as transferring cesium and strontium capsules to dry storage, and placing the last of the former production reactors, K West Reactor, into interim safe storage.
  • Emptying and closing up to 22 of 51 underground waste tanks at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina and completing disposal of remaining legacy transuranic waste.
  • Completing the new safety significant confinement ventilation system, utility shaft, and other key infrastructure upgrades at New Mexico's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
  • Completing disposal of uranium-233 at Oak Ridge, as well as completing construction of the site's new mercury treatment facility.
  • Completing treatment of remaining liquid sodium-bearing waste at the Idaho National Laboratory Site.
  • Finalizing and implementing long-term treatment approaches for contaminated groundwater at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
  • Demolishing two former uranium enrichment process buildings at the Portsmouth Site in Ohio.
  • Completing deactivation activities at the C-333 former uranium enrichment process building and beginning fieldwork for the C-400 remedial action at the Paducah Site in Kentucky.
  • Completing the first phase of demolition activities at the West Valley Demonstration Project in New York.
  • Initiating soil remediation and final groundwater treatment approaches at the former Energy Technology Engineering Center site in California.

The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management has released its Strategic Vision 2023-2033, a blueprint of the office's anticipated cleanup achievements over the next decade. DOE-EM said the strategic vision is focused on the priorities of addressing radioactive liquid tank waste, demolishing contaminated buildings, remediating contaminated soil and groundwater, and safely managing and disposing of waste.