City of Cambridge, MA

01/22/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/22/2025 08:09

Take Precautions to prevent Cold-Related injury during this period of Brutally Cold Weather

Be careful out there!

  • Dress in layers of warm clothing.
  • Wear a hat or covering to protect the head.
  • Wear a scarf or face covering to protect the face from the cold and wind.
  • Wear insulated gloves or mttens to protect the fingers and wear insulated boots to protect the toes. Hands and feet are very susceptible to cold injuries.

Be extra careful walking on winter slippery surfaces, especially outside stairs.

Limit outside time if possible.

Check the kids, older folks, and people with disabilities. If they go outside, ensure that they are dressed for the weather. Be a good neighbor and check in with people who live alone.

If you see someone on the sreet who may be in danger of cold-related injury, call 911 or 617-349-3300, and a first responder will be dispatched to check on them.

For signs of frostbite or hypothermia, call 911 right away to get Paramedics & EMTs en route.

For a serious slip and fall injury, call 911 to get trained help on the way. In Cambridge, emergency medical responders will be dispatched by the Emergency Communcations Center and respond promplty to the emergency. Our tiered and teamwork EMS system will include responders from Cambridge Fire, Pro EMS, and Cambridge Police, depending on the level of the emergency.

Read the chart below for signs of frosbite and hypothermia. They are both serious medical conditions.

Take extra precauations to protect your pet against cold-related injuries during this brutally cold weather. Your pets depend upon you to keep them safe and healthy.

Limit outside time.

Dress them in a warm coat & boots if possible.

Their natural fur coat won't be enough to protect against the bitter cold.

Ensure that they water to stay hydrated.