Steny H. Hoyer

04/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/13/2024 15:18

Hoyer Statement on Iran's Attack on Israel

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) released the following statement today on Iran's attack on Israel:

"Today, Iran initiated a drone and cruise missile assault against our allies in Israel. Last week, President Biden sent a definitive message to Iran about this pending attack: 'don't.' I reiterate what Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made clear to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant just last week - Israel has America's full support in defending against Iranian aggression. We stand by our ally as it exercises its absolute right to defend itself.

"For the past six months, Iran has fueled Hamas' war effort against Israel, arming Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi Rebels, and other proxies. Furthermore, it has encouraged these groups to attack American military forces and merchant vessels throughout the region. Iran's direct involvement in the war with today's attack dramatically heightens the stakes and broadens the scope of this war, making it much more difficult to bring peace and stability to the region. Indeed, this war would not have happened without Iranian influence, planning, and financing.

"America, Israel, and many of our other allies and intermediaries repeatedly warned Iran not to magnify this war. Those were not idle threats. It is absolutely imperative that when the House returns on Monday, we pass the national security supplemental immediately to provide Israel and Ukraine with essential aid to defend itself and deter further attacks from Iran and Russia. Our allies cannot afford to wait any longer, and neither should we. The Speaker has a responsibility to put the supplemental sent to us by the Senate on the Floor as soon as we return on Monday."