The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank

12/16/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2022 14:07

National Bank of Dominica Ltd Sweeps 2022 ECCU Bank of the Year Awards

The National Bank of Dominica Ltd (NBD) took home all five 2022 Bank of the Year Awards at the ceremony held virtually on 15 December with live streaming on the ECCB Connects Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Each year the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) recognises the commercial banks operating within the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) for their exceptional banking services and demonstration of social responsibility in their communities. Eight commercial banks submitted entries in the following five categories to vie for the title of 2022 Bank of the Year:

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility;
  2. Customer Service;
  3. Financial Education and Empowerment;
  4. Support to Micro Small and Medium Enterprises; and
  5. Technological Innovation.

Of the eight participating banks, five banks were shortlisted for the interview stage which formed 30 per cent of their overall score. The banks were also assessed by the public through online voting where they were afforded the opportunity to add 20 points to their final score. "The competition was of a very high standard and tightly contested, which supports the high quality of the ECCU commercial banking sector," said, Head Judge, Kechewia Charles in her remarks at the awards ceremony.

Officer-in-Charge of the ECCB, D Tracy Polius, commended the commercial banks for their continued efforts in the various areas, particularly technological innovation. "The pandemic forced the banking system globally, and indeed within the ECCU to place greater priority on both the rolling out of technology and on augmenting cyber security. Customers are now more accustomed to these technological innovations in banking and they are now standard expectations in the post-pandemic era," said Polius. She also stated that the ECCB aims to support commercial banks in their effective deployment of technology while mitigating risks such as operational and cyber security.

Click below to view the 2022 ECCU Bank of the Year Awards.