Missouri Department of Conservation

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 08:24

MDC purchasing tree seed from landowners for select species

Seeds from bur oak acorns (pictured above) is one of a number of tree seeds MDC wants to purchase from the public this fall. In south-central Missouri, people can take their seeds to the MDC Ozark Regional Office in West Plains.
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Seeds from bur oak acorns (pictured above) is one of a number of tree seeds MDC wants to purchase from the public this fall. In south-central Missouri, people can take their seeds to the MDC Ozark Regional Office in West Plains.
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News from the region
Francis Skalicky
Published Date

WEST PLAINS, Mo. - The Missouri Department of Conservation's (MDC) George O. White Tree Nursery in Licking is currently purchasing seed from the public for a variety of species. The nursery conducts seed collections periodically and collected seeds are grown into bare root seedlings. MDC is currently interested in species that produce seed late in the summer and in fall (see list below).

In south-central Missouri, people can bring seed to MDC's Ozark Regional Office at 551 Joe Jones Blvd. in West Plains from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. The nursery will quit accepting seed once the quota is reached for that species, so it would be best to call ahead to be sure there is still a need for the seed that you are wanting to collect.

The nursery reserves the right to stop buying seed once needs are met. The nursery also reserves the right to reject seed that is poor quality, is not mature, or is mixed with refuse such as leaves and twigs. People who have questions can get information from George O. White Nursery Supervisor Mike Fiaoni at [email protected]. Information about managing trees on your property can be found at https://mdc.mo.gov/trees-plants/forest-care.

Here is information about the MDC tree seed purchase program currently underway:

The following species are currently being accepted. All prices are per pound of fruit:

  • Mixed hickory: $0.75
  • Persimmon: (Persimmon fruit must be ripe, which means it must be yellow, red, or orange. No partially green fruit will be accepted.) $0.75
  • Shellbark hickory: $0.90
  • Ohio buckeye (without hulls): $0.95
  • Red buckeye (without hulls): $0.95
  • White oak: $0.95
  • Paw paw: (Fruit must be ripe, which means it will be soft. Seed will not be accepted if fruit is too firm.) $1.50
  • Post oak: $1.50
  • Wild plum: (Plum must be ripe, which means it must be yellow, red, or orange. No partially green fruit will be accepted.) $1.95
  • Chinkapin oak: $2.50
  • Butternut: $3
  • Redbud: (Pods must be brown and have an average of three seeds per pod that are light-brown and filled, not black. Green seed pods will not be accepted.) $4 per pound in pods
  • Elderberry: (Fruit must be ripe, purple to black in color. Sellers should bring fruit only, no clusters.) $4.25
  • Spicebush: $4.25
  • Witchhazel: (Seed inside pod must be black in color.) $4.50
  • Hazelnut: (Seed must be mature, light-brown, and easily pulled from husk. No green or partially husks will be accepted. Please be patient and allow the seed to mature on the plant.) $4.75
  • Roughleaf dogwood: $4.75
  • Flowering dogwood: $5
  • Gray dogwood: $5
  • Black cherry: (Fruit must be ripe, black in color), $6
  • Eastern wahoo: $6.50

The following species will be accepted beginning Oct. 2:

  • Black oak: $0.85
  • Shumard oak: $0.95
  • Northern red oak: $0.95
  • Bur oak: $1.10
  • Pin oak: $1.25
  • Cherrybark oak: $1.85
  • Nuttall oak: $1.85
  • Swamp white oak: $1.50
  • Swamp chestnut oak: $1.50
  • Overcup oak: $1.50
  • Willow oak: $1.85

The following species will be accepted beginning Oct. 23:

  • Deciduous holly: $4.50