CGIAR System Organization - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers

01/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/26/2024 02:55

Empowering the Future: IFT Awards HarvestPlus Zambia with 250k Seeding the Future Grand Prize

In a groundbreaking stride towards fostering innovation and sustainability in global food systems, the International Food Technologies (IFT) announced the winners of the Seeding The Future Grand Prize and Growth Grant for the Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge. With an annual allocation of USD $1 million, this initiative seeks to recognize and support transformative innovations that promise to reshape food systems for greater equity, safety, nutrition, and trust, all while embracing sustainable practices.

This year's winners showcase a diverse range of cutting-edge solutions from various corners of the globe. Notable among the winners is IFPRI-HarvestPlus' nutrient-dense porridges designed for schools in Zambia. These porridges utilize biofortified traditional food crops that are farmed and produced by women as additional contributions to the household income. IFPRI and HarvestPlus aim to uplift and equip vulnerable youth to grow into healthy, productive adults. Watch this video to know more about the school feeding intervention in Zambia.