VMware Inc.

10/09/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2023 17:46

10 most popular KB articles in September 2023, for VMware Tanzu Application Service, BOSH and more.

We've handpicked a collection of the ten most invaluable Knowledge Base (KB) articles to provide you with the help you need to overcome common Tanzu challenges.

These articles aren't just ordinary guides; they're your go-to resource for practical, actionable solutions. Whether you're looking to secure your applications with SSL certificates, troubleshoot LDAP login issues, or optimize your Java applications, you'll find the answers here.

  1. Generating a self-signed SSL certificate using the Java keytool command

This KB article provides a step-by-step guide on how to generate a self-signed SSL certificate using the Java keytool command. The generated certificate is compatible with products like Apache Tomcat and vFabric tc Server, enabling secure encrypted communications.

  1. LDAP User Login Error, "LDAP: Error Code 49 - Invalid Credentials"

This KB article addresses an LDAP user login error with the message "LDAP: Error Code 49 - Invalid Credentials." The error can occur when credentials for the LDAP bind user are changed without updating Ops Manager and Elastic Runtime (ERT) configurations. The article provides steps to confirm the user's password correctness using ldapsearch and suggests updating the admin user's password in Ops Manager to resolve the issue.

  1. Java Application gets Out of Memory exit code 137 due to MALLOC_ARENA_MAX

This KB article addresses the issue of a Java application receiving an Out of Memory (OOM) exit code 137 due to MALLOC_ARENA_MAX. The problem occurs when Java applications running on large-sized Diego cells create excessive arenas, exceeding the container memory limit. The article recommends setting MALLOC_ARENA_MAX to 2 as a solution and provides commands to apply the variable to individual applications or the entire organization. It also mentions that the issue is resolved in Java buildpack version 4.9 and higher.

  1. "The x86_64 architecture is required…unsatisfied requirement failed this build" error when installing cf CLI on an M1 MacBook

This KB article addresses the error message "The x86_64 architecture is required…unsatisfied requirement failed this build" that occurs when trying to install the cf CLI on an M1 MacBook. It states that as of January 2022, the cf CLI does not support Apple M1 chipsets. To work around this issue, the article provides steps to install the Rosetta Shell, allowing the terminal to run in Intel mode and install Intel-based applications like the cf CLI. Additionally, it explains how to manually install Homebrew on Apple Silicon systems and provides the command to install the cf CLI using Homebrew.

  1. How to configure access log entries for a Spring Boot App

This KB article explains how to enable access logging for a Spring Boot application running on Cloud Foundry. It provides three methods to configure access log entries:

  • Using application.yml or application.properties: Add specific configuration properties to the application.yml or application.properties file and redeploy the application.
  • Using environment variables: Set environment variables with the desired configuration values either through the manifest.yml file or by using the cf set-env command.
  • Access log entries: The article includes an example of an access log entry and explains the information contained within it, such as the client IP, request timestamp, processing time, and VCAP Request ID. It also mentions the option to modify the log entry format by adjusting the "pattern" configuration option.

These configurations allow for troubleshooting and monitoring of access logs in Spring Boot applications on Cloud Foundry.

  1. Exit status 32 when mounting a volume to a container in TAS for VMs

This KB article addresses the issue of receiving an exit status 32 when mounting a volume to a container in TAS for VMs. It specifically applies to situations involving nfs or smb service instances pointing to remote locations. When an application fails to start after restarting or restaging, the component logs indicate the exit status 32 for the failed volume mount. The article provides steps to investigate the issue by checking Diego cell logs, identifying the crashing cell, and reviewing nfsv3driver or smbdriver logs. It suggests verifying the resolvability of the nfs URL or testing the mount command manually on the Diego cell.

  1. Error 'json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ServiceExtra.Shareable of type bool' when using customer Service Broker and enabling Instance Sharing Service

This KB article addresses the error "json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field ServiceExtra.Shareable of type bool" that occurs when using a custom Service Broker and enabling the Instance Sharing Service. The problem is seen when attempting to share a service using the cf share-service command. The article provides a resolution by suggesting a change in the value type for the "shareable" flag to boolean. The specific implementation details may vary depending on the Service Broker framework used. As an example, if Spring Cloud Open Service Broker is used, the article advises setting the flag as metadataObject.put("shareable", true) instead of metadataObject.put("shareable", "true"), which triggers the mentioned error.

  1. How to check the Domain and Subject Alt Names listed on the SSL/TLS Certificate for your TAS for VMs installation

This KB article provides instructions on how to check the domain and subject alternative names (SANs) listed on the SSL/TLS certificate for a VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS) for VMs installation. The article also provides information on using self-signed certificates for internal environments and the importance of using publicly signed certificates for serving public internet traffic.

Please note that the article includes additional links for more information on configuring certificates for PCF.

  1. "insufficient resources to satisfy configured failover level for vSphere HA" error and BOSH tasks hang during Apply Changes

This KB article addresses the issue where BOSH tasks hang during the Apply Changes process and generate an error related to insufficient resources to satisfy the configured failover level for vSphere HA. The article explains the context of the problem, including symptoms such as hanging tasks, timeouts, and queued tasks piling up. It also provides guidance on gathering more details about the issue using BOSH commands.

  1. "too many transfer encodings" 502 chunked response errors when running applications on Tanzu Application Service for VMs

This KB article addresses the issue of "too many transfer encodings" 502 errors that occur when running applications on Tanzu Application Service (TAS) for VMs. Users may experience unexpected 502 errors, and the error message "too many transfer encodings" can be observed in the Gorouter logs. The article explains the reasons behind this error, including the strict implementation of Golang 1.15 and scenarios that can trigger the error. It also provides recommendations for detecting and monitoring the issue and suggests code review and fixes to ensure that multiple or duplicate transfer-encoding headers are not returned. Additionally, the article mentions the possibility of rolling back to an older version of routing-release as a temporary workaround, but highlights that long-term resolution requires addressing the application code.

Our curated solutions are available 24/7 through various Tanzu resources. Make sure to also check them out:

  • Knowledge Base and Support Community - find solutions, ask questions, get answers.
  • Product Documentation : Explore a full range of technical documentation including manuals, release notes, and more.
  • Tech Zone : Go from zero to hero with the latest VMware technical resources.