Prime Minister's Office of Spain

02/09/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/09/2023 02:48

The Ministry of Science and Innovation celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science with nearly 200 activities

The Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, stressed that we need more women researching and innovating in our country because science and innovation are strategic to continue moving towards a more just, supportive and egalitarian world, in which their vision is essential.

Morant also stated that the Ministry is making women's talent visible, legislating to consolidate and extend rights and applying the law firmly to move towards real equality also in the science and innovation sector.

Within the framework of this initiative, workshops, exhibitions, talks, events, games and guided tours will be held with the aim of making the work of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) visible and recognising them, encouraging their full and equal participation in these areas and awakening scientific vocations.

The minister will speak on 10 February at the 'Day of Women and Girls in Science: awakening STEM vocations' event, which will be held in collaboration with the Getafe City Council and will include the participation of Sara García, the Spanish astronaut from the European Space Agency (ESA).

Morant will also take part on 11 February - together with the Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría - in the presentation of the 'STEAM Alliance Awards', an initiative to recognise the promotion of female talent in our country's educational centres.

The Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Women and Science Unit, has collected numerous initiatives from the Ministry's research centres and also from universities, entities and associations through the 'Dossier of Activities for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science'.

Activities in bodies dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) will organise some 180 activities, including plays, workshops and meetings with women scientists. One of the highlights is a live connection between the National Museum of Natural Sciences and women doing research on the Antarctic continent, with the collaboration of the Spanish Army and the University of Navarra.

For its part, the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT) has organised activities to bring the work of women researchers closer to secondary school, high school and vocational training students. It also promotes the participation of talks in schools, colleges and universities on women in science in order to highlight the work of women scientists, showing them as a reference for new generations.

The Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) will hold a colloquium with the scientific directors of the Health Research Institutes, a participatory activity with students from educational centres to awaken their interest in scientific research in health. In addition, it will use several videos starring female scientists to disseminate information on social networks, recalling the institute's involvement in promoting women's leadership in biomedical and health research.

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has supported this commemoration by financing - through the call for grants for the promotion of scientific, technological and innovation culture - six activities of research centres and universities of the Spanish public R&D system.

These include a day of speed meetings at the University of the Balearic Islands with female researchers with the aim of making the work of women in science at this university more visible, and a project developed by the University of Barcelona that seeks to generate debate in primary school classrooms, among other activities.

The National Museum of Science and Technology (MUNCYT) in Alcobendas will host the 'Dare to be a scientist' event, in which six CSIC scientists will talk to secondary and high school students about their careers and professional paths.

For its part, the MUNCYT in La Coruña is organising "11F Live: Meet Computer Engineers", an activity in which computer engineers from the University of La Coruña will give a series of online lectures to school students.

Scientific and Innovative Platform

In addition, the Ministry of Science and Innovation has updated the 'Women Scientists and Innovators' platform with women recognised in 2022, who are leaders in our country. This website, promoted by the Women and Science Unit and FECYT, gives visibility to more than 300 women researchers and innovators who contribute to a better future with their work in different areas of science and innovation.

Guide to mentoring programmes in science, technology and innovation:

Finally, the Ministry has published the 'Guide to mentoring programmes in science, technology and innovation: description and analysis from a gender perspective', which has been prepared with the support of a working group formed by representatives of R&D mentoring programmes from all over Spain.

This document describes and analyses more than 40 existing mentoring programmes in research centres, universities, associations, both nationally and internationally, including a gender impact analysis.

The guide includes a series of recommendations to design and implement gender-sensitive R&D excellence mentoring programmes.

Non official translation