Mainstay Medical International plc

04/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/13/2024 15:21

Say Goodbye to Aches: How to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Say Goodbye to Aches: How to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Disclaimer:This article is for general information purposes only, and does not contain any medical advice, opinion, or recommendations. Before trying any new exercise, physical activity, therapy, or treatment, you should always consult with a physician or other health care professional to ensure that the new activity is appropriate for you.

Strengthening Your Lower Back is crucial for online casino players. The sedentary nature of playing casino games for extended periods can lead to discomfort and potential issues with posture. Online casinos offer convenience, allowing players to indulge in their favorite games at Zodiac casino app from the comfort of their home, but this often means sitting for long stretches without proper support, which can strain the lower back. To combat this, it's essential for online casino enthusiasts to prioritize exercises that target the muscles supporting the lower back. Simple activities like yoga, Pilates, or specific strength training exercises can help improve core stability and posture, reducing the risk of discomfort or injury. Moreover, incorporating regular breaks during gaming sessions to stretch and move around can alleviate tension and promote blood flow to the lower back muscles. Online casinos can also encourage players to take breaks by incorporating reminders or features that prompt users to pause their gameplay and engage in physical activity.

Lower back pain is like a slow-burning fire. It starts small and insignificant, with few warning signs or indicators that something is wrong. But over time, if left unchecked and unaddressed, the fire can spread out of control, consuming everything in its path. Just as we wouldn't ignore a raging wildfire, neither should we ignore lower back pain.

Lower back pain has many potential causes, from poor posture to stress and tension, even lack of physical activity can play a role. Fortunately, there are some easy steps we can take to help prevent lower back pain before it begins.

In this post, we'll look at seven tips on how to prevent lower back pain. We'll also discuss lifestyle changes that can help decrease the risk of developing chronic lower back pain.

4 Causes of Lower Back Pain

There are many causes of lower back pain from medical to lifestyle-related factors. Here are the four most common causes of lower back pain:

1. Poor Posture

Sitting with poor posture for too long can cause excess strain on your spine, leading to lower back pain. It occurs due to the undue mechanical stress on different areas of the back resulting in cellular damage. While cells tend to adapt to stress, a constant overload of strain can cause long-lasting painful effects.

2. Lack of Physical Activity

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to the weakening of muscles and ligaments, stiffness, and inflexibility. Research done by Health Promotion Perspectives showed that sedentary behavior, whether in work or leisure time, is associated with a moderate increase in the risk of LBP in adults, children, and adolescents.

3. Overuse and Injury

Repetitive physical activities can cause overuse injuries, resulting in lower back pain. Common activities such as gardening or lifting heavy objects can put extra strain on the lower back muscles and ligaments if done incorrectly.

4. Stress and Tension

Stress and tension can cause your muscles to tense up, leading to soreness and stiffness. This can cause lower back pain that may be worse when sitting for long periods.

7 Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Knowing how to prevent lower back pain is key to avoiding chronicity. Here are seven tips that can help:

1. Maintain a Good Posture

When standing, the most effective way to attain anatomical correctness for good posture is by distributing your weight evenly across both feet, which should be placed slightly apart.

Additionally, keep your body in alignment from head to toe with your chin parallel to the ground and your ears, shoulders, and hips in one vertical line. Your back should maintain an S shape, with a slight arch in the lower back and a gentle rounding at the top of your spine (lordotic curvatures of the cervical and lumbar spines)

Finally, maintain a relaxed breathing pattern while keeping your core muscles engaged throughout your stance.

Maintaining the correct posture results in reduced stress on the spine and can be done in any position, seated or standing.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is proven to increase circulation and build muscle strength, which can help support the spine and reduce lower back pain.

A systematic review done by the American Journal of Epidemiology was conducted to evaluate the effect of exercise in population-based interventions to prevent low back pain (LBP) and associated disability. It concluded that a combination of strengthening with either stretching or aerobic exercises performed 2-3 times per week can help reduce the risk of LBP.

3. Stretch Before and After Physical Activity

Stretching before and after physical activity can help prevent lower back pain in several ways. Stretching prior to physical activity helps warm up the muscles and increases flexibility, which can reduce the chance of overexerting or overstretching, thereby reducing the risk of injury. For those with existing lower back pain, it can help relieve tightness in the muscles and increase blood flow to the area.

Stretching after physical activity may also help reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness due to lactic acid buildup. Additionally, stretching can increase the range of motion by loosening tight muscles and improving spinal articulation, which helps keep your spine healthy and mobile.

Overall, incorporating stretching before and after physical activities can help protect against both acute and chronic lower back pain.

4. Manage Stress

Stress can be a major contributing factor in developing lower back pain. Stress leads to increased levels of cortisol, a hormone that not only triggers tension in the muscles but also suppresses inflammation-fighting antibodies, making it difficult for your body to heal itself.

Managing stress through yoga, meditation, journaling, and other relaxation techniques can help reduce cortisol levels and prevent the onset of back pain.

5. Avoid Activities That Put Strain on the Back

Activities that involve heavy lifting or repetitive motions can lead to lower back pain, so it's important to be aware of your body in these situations.

In addition, prolonged sitting positions-especially in an un-ergonomic chair-can also lead to lower back pain. To minimize this risk, take breaks as often as possible and make sure your chair is properly adjusted to provide adequate support.

6. Invest in Ergonomic Equipment

Ergonomics is founded on the principle of matching the workstation to fit the physical needs of the user, so investing in ergonomic furniture can help reduce strain on your body and lower back.

Investing in ergonomically designed equipment can help protect you from developing lower back pain. This can include chairs, desks, and other materials designed for optimal posture and lumbar support.

7. Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Sleep plays an important role in relieving lower back pain. Sleeping comfortably can help reduce the intensity of chronic back pain, as sleep can allow for proper healing and repair throughout the night.

Additionally, inadequate sleep can lead to muscle fatigue and decreased cognitive performance as well as increases in stress hormones which all negatively affect our bodies, resulting in more severe and chronic low back pain.

Lifestyle Changes for Lower Back Pain Prevention

Conservative lifestyle changes can also be beneficial in preventing lower back pain.

1. Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and strengthen the muscles that support your spine. Eating a balanced and varied diet with plenty of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide the essential nutrients needed to maintain strong bones and healthy muscle tissues.

2. Avoid Smoking

Smoking has been linked to lower back pain, as it is thought to interfere with blood flow and oxygen delivery to the spine. Quitting smoking can help reduce inflammation throughout the body and improve circulation, leading to a decrease in back pain symptoms.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can also help reduce lower back pain. Excess weight increases the amount of stress placed on your spine, which can lead to chronic back pain.

Proper Lifting Techniques

Incorporating these proper lifting techniques into your daily activities can significantly reduce the risk of developing lower back pain and ensure your spine's health and well-being.

Bend at the Knees, Not the Waist

When lifting an object, it's essential to bend at the knees rather than bending forward at the waist. This technique ensures that the legs, rather than the back, bear the bulk of the weight. Keeping the chest forward, push through your heels to return to a standing position, which helps prevent lower back strain.

Keep the Load Close to Your Body

The farther an object is from your center of gravity, the more strain it puts on your back. Keep the load as close to your body as possible, ideally at belly button level, to minimize the pressure on your lower back. Holding the object away from your body increases the leverage effect and puts additional strain on your lumbar region.

Avoid Twisting Motions

Twisting motions can be particularly harmful to your back, especially while lifting. Instead of turning or twisting your body while holding a heavy object, move your feet to turn your entire body. This approach helps distribute the load more evenly and reduces the risk of lower back injuries.

Maintain a Straight Back

Keeping your back straight and maintaining the natural curve of your spine is crucial during the lift. Avoid rounding your back, as this can lead to muscle strain or a more serious injury. Visualizing keeping your spine long and straight from your tailbone to the top of your head can help maintain proper form.

Lift With Your Legs

Your legs are among the strongest parts of your body, so use them to lift heavy objects. After bending at the knees, maintain a straight posture and use the power of your legs to lift the object. This technique reduces the strain on your lower back by allocating the weight to your leg muscles.

Ensure a Stable Base

Position your feet shoulder-width apart to create a stable base of support. This stance not only helps with balance but also ensures that you're in the best position to lift safely.

Ask for Help with Heavy Loads

There's no shame in asking for assistance with heavy or awkwardly shaped items. Sharing the load with another person can significantly reduce the strain on your back and help prevent injuries.

Core Strengthening Exercises

Core strengthening exercises can help prevent lower back pain by improving the strength and stability of your abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles. A strong core helps support your spine and reduce the risk of injury.

Some examples of core strengthening exercises include:


Planks allow you to strengthen the entire core, including abdominals, lower back, and obliques. It also improves posture and balance and reduces the risk of back pain by stabilizing the spine.


1. Start in a prone position on the floor.

2. Raise your body up, supporting your weight on your forearms and toes. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders.

3. Tighten your core, ensuring your body forms a straight line from head to heels.

4. Hold this position for as long as possible without compromising form.


Bridges are great for strengthening the glutes, which play a vital role in stabilizing the lower back. It targets the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.


1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms by your sides.

2. Tighten your abdominal and butt muscles.

3. Lift your hips off the floor to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

4. Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering your hips back to the floor.


Similar to planks, bird dogs work the entire core and improve stability in the spine. It targets the deep abdominal muscles, lower back, and glutes.


  1. 1. Begin on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  2. 2. Tighten your core and simultaneously extend your right arm forward and your left leg back, keeping both parallel to the floor.
  3. 3. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

Hydration and Nutrition for Spinal Health

Proper hydration and nutrition play a pivotal role in maintaining overall health, significantly impacting spinal health and function. Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the spinal discs, which are primarily composed of water. These discs act as shock absorbers for the spine, and dehydration can lead to decreased disc elasticity, increasing the risk of disc-related issues, such as herniation and degeneration. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps keep the discs plump and healthy, essential for preserving spinal flexibility and preventing back pain.

In addition to hydration, consuming a diet rich in specific nutrients is vital for bone and muscle health.Calcium is a key mineral for bone strength and density, helping prevent osteoporosis, which can lead to a higher risk of spinal fractures. Dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods are excellent calcium sources.Magnesium works in tandem with calcium to support bone health and is found in nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. It aids in muscle function and can help alleviate muscle spasms and discomfort in the back.

Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption and bone health. Sunlight exposure is a primary source of vitamin D, but it can also be obtained from fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to weakened bones, increasing the susceptibility to fractures and chronic pain, including issues related to the spine.

Adopting a balanced diet that includes these nutrients, along with maintaining proper hydration, can markedly improve spinal health. It supports the structure and function of your back, promotes healing, and minimizes the risk of back pain and injuries, ensuring a robust and resilient spine.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Although lifestyle changes, such as those mentioned above, can help prevent and manage lower back pain, sometimes it is necessary to seek medical attention. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if:

Regular Check-ups and Maintenance

Regular visits to a chiropractor or physical therapist can play a crucial role when it comes to how to prevent lower back pain and maintain spinal health. These healthcare professionals specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, focusing on the spine's alignment and function. Through spinal adjustments, manipulation, and targeted exercises, they can help alleviate existing pain, improve mobility, and prevent future injuries.

Chiropractors are skilled at identifying and correcting vertebral misalignments, known as subluxations, which can lead to pain, dysfunction, and nerve interference. By restoring proper alignment, they can enhance nerve conductivity and muscle function, contributing to overall spinal health.

Physical therapists, on the other hand, focus on strengthening and stretching the body's musculature to support the spine. They tailor exercises and rehabilitation programs to individual needs, addressing any imbalances and weaknesses that may contribute to back pain. Their expertise in body mechanics can also provide valuable insights into proper posture and movement patterns, reducing the risk of back pain caused by daily activities.

Regular check-ups allow these professionals to identify potential issues before they escalate into more serious conditions. For instance, early signs of disc wear or muscle strain can be addressed promptly, preventing further degradation that could lead to chronic pain or more severe musculoskeletal problems. This proactive approach to spinal care ensures not only the alleviation of current discomfort but also the long-term health and functionality of the back and spine.

Footwear and Orthotics for Lower Back Health

Wearing supportive footwear and using orthotic inserts are key components in maintaining proper posture and alignment, which are essential for minimizing strain on the lower back. Ultimately, this can help with how to prevent lower back pain.

Footwear and Supportive Shoes

Supportive shoes provide a solid foundation, distributing your body weight more evenly and reducing the impact on your spine with each step you take. Orthotic inserts, tailored to your feet's specific needs, can further enhance this support, correcting imbalances and promoting a more natural foot alignment.

When choosing the right footwear, it's important to consider the activity you'll be engaging in. For day-to-day activities, shoes with cushioned soles and adequate arch support are ideal to prevent excessive strain on the lower back. For more specific activities, like running or hiking, specialized footwear designed to offer enhanced support and traction can help protect your back from injury due to uneven terrain or sudden impacts.

Orthotic Inserts

Orthotic inserts can provide additional benefits, such as correcting overpronation (where the foot rolls inward excessively) or supination (where the foot rolls outward), which can contribute to lower back pain if left unaddressed. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a podiatrist, to determine if orthotics could benefit you and to ensure they are customized to your specific requirements.

Mindfulness and Body Awareness

Practicing mindfulness techniques and body awareness exercises are fundamental in learning how to prevent lower back pain. By becoming more attuned to their posture and movement patterns, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of developing issues associated with the lower back. Mindfulness meditation, a practice where one focuses on being intensely aware of what they're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment, is particularly beneficial. It encourages individuals to become more aware of their body's position and tension, fostering corrections in posture in real time.

Another effective approach is the body scanning technique, which involves paying attention to parts of the body and bodily sensations in a gradual sequence from feet to head. By practicing body scanning, individuals can identify areas of tension and learn to relax them, which is pivotal in understanding how to prevent lower back pain. This technique not only aids in stress reduction but also promotes a greater awareness of how different postures and movements affect the body, especially the lower back.

Incorporating these mindfulness practices into daily routines doesn't require extensive blocks of time; even short sessions can be profoundly beneficial. Starting and ending the day with five minutes of meditation or body scanning can lead to improved posture, reduced stress, and a lower risk of back pain. Additionally, being mindful of body mechanics when lifting heavy objects, standing for long periods, or sitting at a desk can prevent the strain that often leads to lower back discomfort. This holistic approach, focusing on mind and body awareness, plays a crucial role in a comprehensive strategy to prevent lower back pain.

Travel Tips

Traveling, whether for work or leisure, can put additional stress on your lower back, especially during long periods of sitting in cars, airplanes, or trains. To understand how to prevent lower back pain under these circumstances, it's crucial to prioritize maintaining good posture and taking proactive measures to support your back. Using lumbar support cushions is an effective way to ensure that your lower spine maintains its natural curve, reducing the strain caused by sitting for extended periods. These supports can be particularly beneficial on longer trips where the options for changing positions are limited.

Furthermore, knowing how to prevent lower back pain while on the move involves taking frequent breaks to stand, stretch, and walk around. This is not always feasible, especially during flights or long car journeys, but taking advantage of every opportunity to move is vital. Simple stretches that target the lower back and hips can help alleviate tension and promote blood circulation, which is essential for preventing pain and discomfort. Additionally, when lifting luggage, always bend at the knees and keep the back straight to avoid unnecessary strain. By adopting these practices, travelers can significantly reduce their risk of exacerbating lower back pain, making their journeys more comfortable and enjoyable.

Say Goodbye to Aches and Hello To Relief

Learning how to prevent lower back pain is essential for living a healthy, active lifestyle. With the right knowledge and practice, you can stave off aches and pains in your lower back for good.

However, if you have treatment-resistant chronic lower back pain, ReActiv8® can help!

ReActiv8® is a revolutionary new therapy that has been approved by the FDA to treat mechanical chronic low back pain and offers a lasting solution. By stimulating the nerves that support your lumbar spine, ReActiv8® interrupts the cycle of pain and degeneration, helping you move and function better with reduced discomfort.

Learn more about this restorative neurostimulation therapy today if you haven't yet found relief for your pain.

Learn More About ReActiv8® For Chronic Lower Back Pain Relief Today!