Gradiant Corporation

03/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/28/2024 20:22

Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
1. ApprovalㆍReport of Financial Statements
제 27기 (Mil. KRW)
A. Non-Consolidated Financial Statements - Total Assets 557,785 - Sales Amount 8,818
- Total Liabilities 32,028 - Operating Income -860
- Capital Stock 41,766 - Net Income -14,047
- Total Shareholders' Equity 525,757 *Earnings per Share (KRW) -996
B. Consolidated Financial Statements - Total Assets 1,897,559 - Sales Amount 3,423,867
- Total Liabilities 1,063,629 - Operating Income 2,910
- Capital Stock 41,766 - Net Income -6,023
- Total Shareholders' Equity 833,930 *Earnings per Share (KRW) -1,123
* External Auditor's Opinion Non-Consolidated Financial Statements Unqualified Opinion
Consolidated Financial Statements Unqualified Opinion
2. DecisionㆍReport on Dividend
A. Cash Dividend and Dividend in Kind Class of Dividend Cash Dividend
- Details of Assets -
Dividend per Share (KRW) Common Shares Year-end Dividend 200
InterimㆍQuarterly Dividend -
Different Classes of Shares Year-end Dividend -
InterimㆍQuarterly Dividend -
Total Dividends(KRW) 2,736,205,200
Dividend Rate to Market Price(%)(Including Interim Dividend) Common Shares 1.52
Different Classes of Shares -
B. Stock Dividend Stock Dividend Rate(%) Common Shares -
Different Classes of Shares -
Total Stock Dividends Common Shares -
Different Classes of Shares -
3. Appointment of Directors, etc.(As of the Appointment Date)
A. Details of Appointment 감사위원이 되는 사외이사 1명 신규선임
B. Number of Outside Directors after Appointment Total Number of Directors 6
Total Number of Outside Directors 3
Outside Director Appointment Ratio(%) 50.0
C. Number of Auditors after Appointment Standing Auditor -
Non-Standing Auditor -
D. Members of Audit Committee after Appointment Members of Audit Committee who are Outside Directors 3
Members of Audit Committee who are not Outside Directors 0
4. Details of Other Resolutions 1)보고사항: 감사보고, 영업보고, 내부회계관리제도 운영실태 보고

2) 부의안건
제1호 의안: 제27기 재무제표(이익잉여금처분계산서(안) 포함) 및 연결재무제표 승인의 건
→ 원안대로 가결

제2호 의안: 감사위원이 되는 사외이사 도헌수 선임의 건
→ 원안대로 가결

제3호 의안: 이사 보수한도 승인의 건
→ 원안대로 가결
5. Date of General Meeting of Shareholde 2024-03-29
6. Other references useful for making investment decisions
상기 2항의 시가배당율 산정시 기준주가는 주주총회 소집을 위한 주주명부폐쇄일 2매매거래일 전부터 1주일간의 코스닥에서 형성된 최종 시세가격의 산술평균가격 입니다.
※Title and date of other disclosure related to this one 2024-02-15 현금ㆍ현물배당 결정
2024-03-14 주주총회소집결의
2024-03-14 주주총회소집공고
2024-03-14 참고서류
2024-03-21 감사보고서 제출
Appointment Details of Outside Directors
Name Date of Birth(Year and month) Term of Office Newly Appointed Curriculum Vitae(Including Present Position) The Name and Position of the Company Where Holding a Role of Directors and etc.
도헌수 1967-10 3년 Newly Appointed - 現 연세대학교 경영대학 객원교수
- 삼일회계법인 파트너
- 동국대학교 경영학 박사
Appointment Details of Member of Audit Committee
Name Date of Birth(Year and month) Term of Office New Appointment or Renewal of Existing Appointment Standing or Non-Standing Curriculum Vitae(Including Present Position)
도헌수 1967-10 3년 Newly Appointed Yes - 現 연세대학교 경영대학 객원교수
- 삼일회계법인 파트너
- 동국대학교 경영학 박사