WalkMe Ltd.

01/29/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/29/2023 06:33

The top 7 digital adoption myths debunked

By Maya Rice-Boshi
Updated January 29, 2023

It's no secret that digital technologies are transforming the way businesses operate. However, despite their popularity and popularity, there remains a lot of confusion and fear around these tools due to misinformation.

Here, we'll debunk some of the most prevalent myths about digital adoption to clear up any confusion or uncertainty you might have when considering digital adoption for your business.

By understanding the truth behind these stories instead of relying on outdated conceptions about technology adoption, enterprises can stay competitive and capitalize on the innovative opportunities available now more than ever before.

What is digital adoption?

Digital adoption refers to when digital technology and digital tools are fully accepted, adapted, and implemented in an organization's processes. This can occur at all stages, from design to delivery.

Digital adoption involves using digital platforms, digital strategies, and digital services to access customers, develop markets, increase productivity, and maximize efficiency.

With digital adoption comes improved customer and employee engagement, better use of resources, faster responses, reduced risk, and higher profitability.

Ultimately, digital adoption is essential for organizations seeking lasting success in their digital transformation journey.

Where do digital adoption myths come from?

Digital adoption myths are often rooted in fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). As technology advances, companies can experience a sense of unease when it comes to making the switch from traditional methods to digital tools. This is usually because they either don't understand how digital technologies work or what types of benefits they can offer.

The FUD around these technologies leads people to spread misinformation about them - whether intentionally or unintentionally - which creates an environment where myths around digital adoption persist.

Unfortunately, this has led many organizations to miss out on the opportunities that come with leveraging modern technology solutions for their business processes.

How digital adoption can help you on your digital transformation journey

Digital adoption can be a powerful tool in helping businesses on their digital transformation journey. It enables organizations to access customers, develop markets, improve employee productivity and maximize efficiency.

With the right digital tools and strategies in place, companies can reap the rewards of improved employee engagement, better use of resources, faster responses, and higher profitability.

By leveraging modern technology solutions for their processes, organizations can gain a competitive edge and make significant strides towards achieving their goals. Moreover, it is essential for businesses seeking lasting success through digital transformation initiatives.

The top 7 myths people believe about digital adoption

The idea of digital adoption can be intimidating for many businesses, and it's not uncommon to hear myths about the process.

We will explore some of the most common myths surrounding digital adoption and debunk them so organizations can make informed decisions about how to best use these tools.

Myth #1: Digital adoption is only for tech-savvy people

FACT: Digital adoption is for everyone

Over the past decade, digital adoption has evolved significantly and is no longer a privilege reserved for tech-savvy people.

It has become an essential part of our daily lives, so much so that digital literacy programs are now being offered by businesses, schools, and government organizations to help everyone become digital citizens.

Digital adoption is not only about mastering certain technologies or gadgets; it involves understanding digital concepts, developing digital skills, and learning how to use digital tools responsibly.

With the right guidance and resources available, digital adoption can be achieved by virtually anyone regardless of their technical background.

Myth #2: Implementing digital adoption tools is expensive

FACT: Digital adoption tools deliver a higher ROI on digital investments

While digital adoption tools may be seen as expensive at first glance, the truth is that they are designed to empower businesses to create digital experiences that deliver a higher ROI on digital investments.

For example, digital adoption platforms are able to reduce training costs, accelerate time-to-value, and reduce IT burden and costs. So, once deployed, they quickly become invaluable assets to any organization.

With digital adoption platform technology, businesses can streamline processes for better efficiency and employee experience, further driving down expenses as digital transformation initiatives take root.

So, while your competitors may have access to the same systems as you, implementing digital adoption tools is a cost-effective way to ensure your business secures a sustainable competitive edge by maximizing the impact of that very tech.

Myth #3: The process of implementing a digital adoption solution is complicated and time-consuming

FACT: Digital adoption implementation can be accomplished quickly

Digital adoption solutions have the potential to revolutionize digital processes and increase efficiency in organizations.

But many executives mistakenly believe that the process of implementing digital adoption is complicated and time consuming, when in fact it's quite the opposite.

In truth, by tapping into a digital adoption solution, businesses can quickly get up and running with enhanced digital experiences for their employees.

With expert guidance, digital adoption is an easy process that streamlines digital platforms, ensuring maximum usage and fewer resources wasted on traditional methods.

And, by using the right digital tools, partnership, and experience, businesses can make digital adoption a reality much sooner than expected!

One great tool for cutting time to value is WalkMe's Solution Accelerators. These plug-and-play solutions allow you to use a customizable pre-built content template to deploy digital adoption solutions without having to start from scratch.

Moreover, you can easily locate a DAP or WalkMe partner from our network of global system integrators, independent software vendors, and agencies to get you moving.

Myth #4: You need special skills and training to use digital technology

FACT: Digital adoption makes tech usable by anyone, regardless of skills

One common digital adoption myth is that you need to have unique skills and training in order to use digital adoption tools.

In reality, digital adoption tools don't require teams to undergo advanced technical instruction - quite the opposite!

Digital adoption technology was specifically designed to meet users where they are with contextual resources and easy-to-follow guidance. This means anyone using any software can benefit from a simplified user experience.

With digital adoption platforms, users are guided through digital product processes so that any user can intuitively adopt digital products quickly and effectively - regardless of their experience level.

Myth #5: Digital adoption is only for customers

FACT: Digital adoption tools also benefit employees

It's not just customers who are adopting digital transformation, but employees as well, and many enterprises have realized the benefits of providing seamless digital experiences for their employees.

Alongside maximal ROI on digital investments, enterprises who invest in their employees' digital experiences benefit from increased productivity and engagement with mission-critical applications, decreased tech burnout, and improved retention rates.

In addition, digital adoption tools enable employers to save countless hours on live training and onboarding with in-app guidance and self-service help, easing the burden on IT support teams.

Improved analytics makes decision-making easier while driving growth opportunities, while streamlined information delivery enables workers to always be on top of current business trends.

All this serves to highlight why digital adoption is not just a tool to improve the experience of customers but employees, too.

Myth #6: It takes too long to see the results of digital adoption

FACT: Results from digital adoption can be seen almost instantaneously

Many mistakenly believe digital adoption takes too long to deliver ROI. In reality, digital adoption can be a quickly-adopted means of improving efficiency, increasing data visibility, and boosting compliance enforcement. The result is often greater staff collaboration and successful digital transformation - all in surprisingly short order.

Companies who have invested in digital tools are often able to reap the benefits almost immediately with minimal disruption or manual effort. For example, using WalkMe's Digital Adoption Platform, Sprinklr was able to realize 100% ROI within 90 days.

By ensuring digital adoption is part of your business strategy, you can extend the useful life of digital technologies while remaining at the cutting edge of technology trends, enabling efficient handling of new digital initiatives.

Consider the impact of improving the efficiency and completion of your most business-critical processes. How much could you save by optimizing it?

Myth #7: Digital adoption is just about technology and not about people

FACT: Digital adoption is first and foremost about people

Digital adoption is often thought of as focused solely on technology; however, this is a misconception. The reality is digital adoption is actually much more about people than technology.

Technology forms the backbone of digital adoption, but it takes people to bring digital initiatives to life and embed digital processes into entire organizations.

Fundamentally, digital adoption requires understanding how to best connect people with digital resources, so that they can use digital technologies more effectively.

At the end of the day, for digital adoption projects to truly be successful, utilizing both people and technology must work in unison.

How to get started on your digital adoption journey

Getting started on your digital adoption journey doesn't have to be difficult or intimidating. With the right guidance and resources, you can successfully implement digital tools into your organization's processes in no time.

The key is to start small and focus on one area of your business at a time. Begin by understanding the current state of technology within your organization, then identify areas where digital tools may be able to help improve processes or customer experiences.

Once you've identified these areas, create a plan for how you will implement them and measure their effectiveness over time.

It's also important to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the goals and objectives of the project so they can work together towards achieving them.

Finally, don't forget to invest in training programs that equip employees with skills necessary for successful digital adoption throughout the entire organization - this will make sure everyone remains up-to-date with new technologies as they come out!


As businesses begin to consider digital adoption, it's important for them to be aware of the myths surrounding this process.

While there are many misconceptions about what is required and how long it takes to implement a digital adoption solution, with the right guidance and resources available, any organization can become digitally enabled.

By understanding the truth behind these stories instead of relying on outdated conceptions about technology adoption, enterprises can stay competitive and capitalize on the innovative opportunities available now more than ever before.

With a clear understanding of both people-centric approaches as well as technical expertise, organizations will be able to take full advantage of all that digital transformation has to offer in order to remain successful into the future.

Learn more about digital adoption

Are you looking to learn more about digital adoption and how it can benefit your business? Watch the video to get started.


Maya Rice-Boshi
Maya is a Content Marketing Writer at WalkMe, specializing in storytelling and content strategy. She acquired a degree in Media & Communications in her home country of Australia, after which she moved to Israel and began her writing career as a ghostwriter for tech executives. When she's not writing, you can find her lost in a book or planning her next camping trip.